afronowism ep III: organized by black beyond
This ASSEMBLY, organized by black beyond, explored the history of sound as technology to preserve and transcend the spirit of ancestors and the indigenous. Akeema-Zane led immersive sound experiments such as ‘writing sound’ and wearing blindfolds to initiate sonic journeys.
Following our research, we collected and morphed sounds, creating a collective soundscape as an embodied practice in reference to ‘afro – nowism’.
Documentation / Resources
Explore Research MaterialsWatch Pitch PresentationCore Members
jazsalyn (she/her), Co-organizer | Jeharrah Pearl, Co-organizer | Akeema-Zane, Guest Facilitator
Organizer Bios
black beyond is a platform for experimental artists and activists to define alternate realities for Blackness. black beyond subverts space, allowing Black people and co-liberators to decolonize and re-indigenize social infrastructures. It interrogates understandings of Blackness outside the limitations imposed by the racist imaginary, through afro-pessimism, afro-nowism, and afro-futurism.
black beyond silences echo chambers and uplifts voices of the unheard. Allowing progressive topics which pertain to the ‘future’ to escape institutional corridors, becoming more accessible to the communities we intend to serve
black beyond has a monthly segment, alternate realities, on Dublab.
IG: @blackbeyond_
Get in touch:
jazsalyn (she/her), work begins where fiction and reality collide. As an anti-disciplinary artist, she weaves together new media and activism to decolonize and re-indigenize the future, now.
Image credit: jazsalyn, Jeharrah Pearl, Livia Foldes, tee topor