Join NAVEL & Tiny Tech Zines for a special edition of WYD? (What’re You Doing?) + TTZ, an intimate gathering where our communities can share, talk about, and make inquiries on current research topics.
On Sunday, December 13 at 5PM PDT we will hear from Abolition Science, Gonzalo Moiguer, and Transpacific Portals. RSVP for free to attend this session of WYD on Zoom.
We ask all participants to uphold our Braver Spaces Intentions during this gathering, please take some time to review them here.
Participant Bios

Abolition Science
Co-created & hosted by LaToya Strong & Aderinsola Gilbert
LaToya Strong lives with her plants in the best borough in New York City, The Bronx. She is a former high school science teacher and has taught in both The Bronx and Brooklyn, spending a lot of time on delayed trains. She is also the co-host of Abolition Science Radio, a podcast that explores science, math, technology, and education through the lens of abolition. When she is not rewatching Teen Wolf, LaToya thinks about and tries to enact decolonial approaches to science and science education in community and collaboration with others. She swears by three things: big earrings, Black liberation, and 90s RnB.
Project Description: LaToya and Aderinsola will be sharing the origin story behind Abolition Science and how this led to the creation of Abolition Science Radio which serves as a medium to put theory into practice by and with community. We’ll be sharing how our newly launched interactive workshop series creates a nexus to build community among guests, listeners, and hosts through engagement with the concepts discussed on the episodes.
Website: abolitionscience.org
Instagram: @abolitionscience

Gonzalo Moiguer is an Argentine artist and programmer trained in the Sound Image Design career (UBA) and at the School For Poetic Computation. He is the director of the feature film All Stars Are Dead. In 2018 he presented “Memoria Celular” in New York, a work edited in the book “Slime Mold in Arts and Architecture”. Developed a system for data visualization in Virtual Reality for the IDIS Project, a public database on audiovisual artists with a focus on Latin America. In 2019 he edited the fanzine “Espacio Latente”, presented at fairs in Buenos Aires, Los Angeles and Barcelona. He presented “Malla”, a collective network of fanzines about technology with participants from all over the world towards a Latin American perspective in the micro + Code 2019. He gives the “Procedural Drawing” workshop focused on analog strategies for digital artistic practice.
Project Description: 2020 was an unprecedented change of plans. We’ll need a few years to process the isolation. Education took a particular hit, and while universities are still baffled, and as the big ships they are, their change of course is slow, workshops emerged as small communities to contain each other. I’ll be sharing my experience, learnings and failures on remote teaching a workshop on procedural drawing and programming without computers.
Website: gonzamoiguer.com
Instagram: @gonzamoiguer

Transpacific Portals
Created by Anika Ullah & Wushang Pihay
Anika Ullah, a bengali-american artist, and Wushang Pihay, an indigenous amis musician, seek to explore identities in flux through shared ancestral experiences of colonization, migration, resistance, and resilience across the pacific ocean.
Project Description: Anika and Wushang have both been intergenerationally displaced from ancestral homelands, Bengal and Pisirian, displaced from traditional ecological knowledge systems. When their paths crossed for the first time, hidden portals began to reveal themselves. Portals in time, portals in the sky, portals in the sea, portals in transnational memory and transpacific existence; our ancestors arranged the stars into delicate constellations to ensure these transpacific portals opened in this specific point in time, place, and space of increasingly globalized/fragmented/divisive human condition.
To begin exploring these ideas, Anika & Wushang wrote a song together in the summer of 2019 titled Desert Planet < ম ভূ িম :: Tafokay A Kitakit/ :: 沙漠星球 >. This song is the inspiration for the work they want to continue creating together through Parse Seco, by expanding it into the realms of visual and multimedia narrative. By working to uncover the lineages that brought our identities to intertwine in the present, we will excavate transcultural memories and express transcultural visions for a more just, liberated, shimmering future through immersive multimedia installation.
Through opening a Transpacific Portal in Taos, Anika and Wushang invite the people of Taos to reflect upon their own intertwined, transcultural existences and partake in the power of transcultural future-building by opening their own portals criss-crossing the past, present, and future.
Website: parseseco.com
Instagram: @transpacificportals
Tiny Tech Zines (TTZ) is a tech zine fair and collective based in Tongva land (Los Angeles, CA). We focus on relationships between marginalized communities and technology. Together we poke holes in digital tech’s sleek facade, feeling for the nuances of its presence in our worlds. At the same time, we define technology very openly as anything that beings make to help them accomplish different tasks. We are asking: Which technologies go unacknowledged in western society? What technologies are being made to serve the unique needs of our diverse communities? How can care and technology come together in deeply meaningful, post-colonial ways?
TTZ is organized by Rachel Simanjuntak, Tristan Espinoza, and Tyler Yin. TTZ is inspired by the original New York Tech Zine Fair.
Instagram: @tinytechzines